One of my resolutions this year was to take more photographs of my son Zachary. I know I have been busy blogging and shooting other babies and forgotten about my little man. Well, it's not that i forget it, the problem is, I cant! I tried so many times but its just ended up with a battle: him screaming and wanted to get hold of my beloved camera and me running around shooting with a blur as a result...he just dont sit still.
Now, he is 16 months and I will try again...I will get some nice shots out of hundreds..lol
I have thought of a photo a day theme for a month but that's a lot to ask i think, so i decided for a "blog a week"...for at least a month, and will try once a month after.
I know my family and friends will be happy for the weekly update.
as of today:
1. Zach have 10 teeth in total and still counting! (his tantrums)
2. He started walking last month and now he's into running (sometimes in circles (?)
3. He loves to wrestle with my cat Shiraz (oh she poor thing) but she likes it..hahhaha
4. He is a head banger! I dont know what's with baby but he loves to bang his head on the wall or floor.and he thought its funny.. sometimes he will cry!lol
5. He eats a lot and getting very heavy. Me and hubby have a carpal tunnel syndrome already! ouch!
6. He drives me crazy most of the time!
7. He talks, a lot. Most of it, we don’t understand, but he just keeps going because we’re nimwits and someday, perhaps we’ll get a clue.
I guess that's it for this week... I may have to prepare for new updates later...
photographing babies at this age (1.5 - 2.5) is hard.. but to be able to capture a single moment of their childhood is priceless.... so i will keep trying :P

mooooommmm, gimmeeee that cameraaaaaa!!

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