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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zachary's 2nd Birthday

Dear Zach,
Another year has past and you have gone through a lot of changes since birthday 1. So much so that when I look back at pictures from the day you were born I can barely recognize you as that little baby I used to be able to hold in my arms. 
Over the past year you’ve mastered walking, or more precisely, sprinting, I could hardly keep up with you. You  started talking  a lot and uttered your first few sentences. Everyday you played with daddy with your choo choo train and read a lots of your favorite books. While me tried to cook every delicious kids meal that i can think of so you will eat aside from cheese. C'mon eat some veggies! Everyday you  surprise your daddy and me with the things you’ve discovered in your world. You started to show that you care with people around you and we are very proud of you.
Right now the concept of birthdays and things wrapped up in shiny paper may not mean a whole lot to you, but to us they are all part of this journey, your journey. We are honored to be part of it and excited for all the things your future holds.                  As you celebrate your second birthday you are fortunate to be surrounded by family that loves you more than mere words can express. 
Happy birthday my little darling and daddy and mommy loves you so much!
Love always,
ps. this video i made esp. for you and for all the people who loves you.


  1. What a wonderful letter you wrote to your son !

    I was crying reading it as I feel exactly the same for Baptiste and you expressed it so well !

    Happy birthday again to my favourite nephew and big kisses to you 3.

    Take care and have a very nice birthday party on Saturday.

