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Friday, July 23, 2010

Nia at our home || Milton Child Photographer

Nia and Mommy Ria spent 2 weeks at our place before they head out to US for a while.
Now they left and we are missing them dearly, Zach will look at the Nia's photos and ask 
for Nia and when he goes to his room where they stay he will say Nia... awww!
We hope to see you soon Nia and Ria, take care..
kisses from all of us..
xo xo xo Z

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baby Blake || Milton Baby Photographer

One thing i truly love about being a baby photographer is that every baby is different. Each one has a different personality, features, like and dislikes, different squirks, different smiles, different cries...BUT one thing they have is this amazing baby smell that makes me wanna kiss them all over...and the appetite during the photoshoot
Getting to know this little peanuts when they come and meet me is the most rewarding parts of what i do - they are very special to me... I wish i could have them...hahahha *i hope  my husband is not reading
Today I met this handsome baby Blake and her gorgeous Mom. At 12 weeks old he's a chunky little model that gave me a lots of smiles.. Thank you Mommy C for bringing him in 
and brightens my day :D


Sunday, July 4, 2010

A weekend to remember!|| wild waterworks||Hamilton Photographer

A family weekend that was full of fun :P
Zach and dad enjoy the hot summer sun and cool water at the parks last saturday and 
the serenity and privacy on the estate the next day,  relaxing and just let the day pass by....
aahh that's good life :D